About us


At International Valencia, we want you to be able to enjoy your time here in Valencia, whether you’re staying for a few weeks, a few months or a few decades!

Consider this website as a hub in which you can explore all Valencia has to offer.  You can find a room or a flat, learn about the famous Fallas Festival, discover new restaurants and bars and even look for a job.

We have an Events section containing links to popular recurring language exchanges, parties, workshops and more, and we aim to support local artists and creative types through our community portal.

Whatever you want from Valencia, we’re here to make it easy for you to experience the best of the city!



A volunteer organisation founded in 2017, International Valencia manages a host of online communities, from Facebook groups to WhatsApp and Telegram hangouts. If you’re interested in contributing, just click the link and send us your details. We’re always on the lookout for more writers!

If you’re looking to host an international event, we can help! Send an email to info@invalencia.com and we’ll be in touch.

We also have a number of Partnership opportunities for local businesses. Click here for more information!